Wireless Network Access
So you want to access our wireless network? Good News! Our wireless network is open to all faculty, staff, and students with a wireless device (iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, laptop, etc.). Simply follow the following steps:
- Find our wireless network on your device. Its name or SSID is 8n8.
- Click Connect.
- When prompted for a wireless access code, enter "BeOurGuest!!" (without the quotes). Remember to enter exactly the capitalization as it is typed above. Also don't forget the double exclamation marks: "!!".
- Allow a minute or so for the code to be recognized, then open your Internet browser.
- When the Security Certificate warning appears, click to accept the certificate despite the warning.
- Finally, you will be prompted to enter your credentials for Web
- For Faculty/Staff and High School Students
Enter your M-DCPS email/portal username (your employee number or student ID number) and your M-DCPS email/portal password. - For Adult Vocational Students
Enter "participate\NNNNNNNN" (without the quotes and NNNNNNNN is your 8-digit student ID number) and your M-DCPS email/portal password. Your default email/portal password is MMYYYYpw (MM is your birth month and YYYY is your birth year). For example if your birthday is April 22, 1989, your default portal password is 041989pw.
- For Faculty/Staff and High School Students
- If you have a problem connecting to the network, please come to the media center and ask one of our staff members for help.