Friday, September 2, 2011
- Tutoring will NOT take place today due to the labor day holiday.
- Please remember to turn in your note to excuse you absence; failure to provide the required documentation within three days upon your return to school will result in unexcused absence.
- Notes can be turned in to Student Services between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:15 am, during your lunch and after school from 2:20 – 3:00 pm.
- There will be a 5000 Role Models of Excellence meeting on this Friday 2nd Sept. in Mr. O'Brien's room (5137) @ 2:30 pm sharp.All former and new members are urged to attend.
September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!
Ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer among women in the United States and the fifth leading cause of cancer death. A woman’s risk of getting ovarian cancer is 1 in 67, and her risk of dying from it is 1 in 95. During September, National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage everyone to educate the women in their lives about the symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. Today Sept. 2nd you can show your support for ovarian cancer awareness and wear teal. TAKE EARLY ACTION & LIVE (TEAL)
- MLEC's E-2020 after school program is accepting registrations after school in student services department. Please see your guidance counselors for more information.
- Hey Freshmen!! Go find your jaguar in the Freshmen hallway, located in the Science wing. Save your jaguar for an activity coming soon!! This welcome activity is proudly sponsored by your MLEC Key Club.
- Music Club members! Our 1st meeting will take place Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 2:30 p.m. in Mr. Oxidine’s room 6130. There will be no auditions for new members until the following week.
Helena Castro
Activities Director,
Miami Lakes Educational Center
(305) 557-1100 Ext.2442