After school in the
High School Cafeteria
December 15, 2004 (Morning)
Students who need to register for Adult Education classes must see their guidance counselor as soon as possible. Seniors you must do it immediately if you have not already done so.
National Honor Society will have a very important meeting today so please make transportation arrangements.
FCCLA is still collecting new unwrapped toys for the TOYS for TOTS program. Friday is the last day to bring your donations.
Students, the last day to purchase any personalization on your yearbook is January 15th. So if you want personalization on your yearbook make sure that you have purchased it by January 15th. Get your holiday money together and get your yearbook with personalization when we return.
Senior Ads are also due when we return from winter break.
There will be an important PROM and SENIOR BREAKFAST COMMITTEE meeting tomorrow after school in Mr. A. Rodriguez's room E204. Activities Buses will not be running so make transportation arrangements.
Drama club will meet today in the auditorium. Auditions will be held for One Acts.
Again, there are no activities buses this week so make the appropriate transportation arrangements.