After school in the
High School Cafeteria
December 7, 2004 (Morning)
Teachers please remember that if a student needs to leave your room for any reason, they must be wearing an ID and have a pass.
The Performance Excellence Council of Miami Lakes Educational Center will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow in the Arnold Seltzer room of cafeteria C. All elected members are required to attend. Guests are welcome to attend and observe the council in action.
Teachers, there is a faculty meeting this afternoon in the C cafeteria.
Congratulations to all of the MLEC students who achieved Honor Roll recognition for the first nine weeks. Teachers, tomorrow at 1:00 all students who achieved Superior Honor Roll status need to be released for a special activity. A list and more in formation will appear in your mailbox this afternoon. IV.
Today is Santa’s last day on campus! This is your last chance to take a picture with him. If you missed him this morning during breakfast he will make one more appearance during both lunches for $4.
The Spanish Club will meet tomorrow in F110.
National Honor Society will have a very important meeting next Wednesday, December 15th so mark your calendars.
Students, the last day to purchase any personalization on your yearbook is January 15th. So if you want personalization on your yearbook make sure that you have purchased it by January 15th. Additional order forms can be picked-up in F106.