After school in the
High School Cafeteria
December 6, 2004 (Morning)
Attention all teachers secondary and post-secondary if a student needs to leave your room for any reason, they must be wearing an ID and have a pass. This is our school policy and no exceptions will be made.
Students in the Millennium classes will tour the campus of Miami Lakes Educational Center tomorrow December 7th and Tuesday the 8th. Teachers please greet these students and be prepared to discuss your program area.
Seniors- please remember to complete your community service projects and turn them in to Ms. J. Collins in student services. ALL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS MUST BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN BY JANUARY 28, 2005!
Santa is still on campus? This is your last chance to take a picture with him today and tomorrow in the morning during breakfast and during both lunches for $4.
Math Club will meet today at 2:40 pm in E119 to talk about the dues for each member and the competition in January.
HIV/AIDS Peer Educators will meet today in F118. All officers and members need to attend. New members are always welcome. If you need to spruce up your resume and portfolios for college, HIV/AIDS Peer Educators has that extra something for you. Remember, the meeting is today after school in F118.
The Spanish Club will meet this Thursday in F110.
National Honor Society will have a very important meeting next Wednesday, December 15th so mark your calendars.
Students, the last day to purchase any personalization on your yearbook is January 15th. So if you want personalization on your yearbook make sure that you have purchased it by January 15th. Additional order forms can be picked-up in F106.