After school in the
High School Cafeteria
December 3, 2004 (Morning)
Students in the Millennium classes will tour the campus of Miami Lakes Educational Center on December 7th and 8th. Teachers please greet these students and be prepared to discuss your program area.
Seniors- please remember to complete your community service projects and turn them in to Ms. J. Collins in student services. ALL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS MUST BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN BY JANUARY 28, 2005!
The following students still need to pickup transcripts by this afternoon or they will be destroyed: Gina Vargas
Today is picture make up day. Teachers, students and staff make-up yearbook pictures will be taken in the auditorium during both lunches.
Have you see Santa on campus? Why don’t you take a picture with him today and next week Monday and Tuesday in the morning during breakfast and during both lunches for $4.
Get your basketball jam tickets during lunch or see Mr. A. Rodriguez in E205, they are only $3.
Math Club will meet on Monday, December 6th at 2:40 pm in E119 to talk about the dues for each member and the competition in January.
Students, the last day to purchase any personalization on your yearbook is January 15th. So if you want personalization on your yearbook make sure that you have purchased it by January 15th. Additional order forms can be picked-up in F106.