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After school in the
High School Cafeteria




Education (n):
That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Ambrose Bierce







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Daily News

Monthly quotedaily news





Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Diabetes/Wellness Screening will be held on Friday, Oct. 16th in our gym.  Students please return permission slips as soon as possible in order to participate on the 16th. Students will be given a pass back to class with the time they were released. FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FRIDAY.

Sports Club is underway stop by and see Ms. Arterburn in the GYM for more details.

Spanish Club meeting will take place on Wednesday 10-14-09 after school in Room F-207. New members are welcome.

Hispanic Heritage Show performers, we need your music this week. Practices on the Auditorium the week of Oct. 19th to 23rd and Dress Rehearsals are October 27th and 28th in the Auditorium. All performers must attend the practices and Dress Rehearsals to be able to participate in the show. Questions see Mr. P. Rodriguez Room-F-207.

Attention all HOSA members! Listen up for important deadlines- $20 payment for the HOSA breakfast is due Monday, October 19th to Mrs. Pierce in room A102.  

The Bible Group presents the Timothy Generation. It meets every Thursday, right after school in room B-210. Refreshments will be served.


Ms. Duran is recruiting students for group.  If you would like to be part of a group please come to student services and request a form. There will be different topics to choose from.  You may turn in the form to the front office or place it her mailbox. 

The cheer leading club will meet in room A125 immediately after school for club yearbook pictures on Wednesday, 10/14/09.  Please be on time with your teal or black shirt on.  Club practice to follow after photos. 

The Interact Club is sponsoring the "Toy's for Tots" toy drive, here at Miami Lakes Educational Center, this holiday season. The drive targets needy children in the local area; and helps in the goal of "giving something back to the community." Please help the Interact Club in its community-sharing endeavor. The "Toy's for Tots" toy drive will begin on November 1st.

ERA club will meet today at 2:40 in the student service conference room.

It’s the event everyone’s been waiting for Harvest Fest!!! Tickets are on sale for $5.

Currently, JAGUARS we have reached about 19% of our goal, we have a ways to go but YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN! Remember our goal is $1 per student make sure you bring your donation to your 2nd Period Homeroom. Mr. Kynerd’s Homeroom is STILL in the lead, you still have time to get on the leader board!

Students are reminded to come to school each day on time! Students if you are absent, remember that 5 unexcused absences in an annual course, or 3 unexcused absences in a semester course, will result in a no credit (N/C) for the class.  MLEC is in a block schedule, therefore 5 unexcused absences in an annual course WILL result in 10 unexcused absences and WILL result in a no credit being issued, and 3 unexcused absences in a semester course will equal six absences and also result in a no credit.  Remember if you are absent you MUST bring a note and receive an admit to excuse your absence. Admits are issued in the Student Services Office prior to the start of school each day and during lunch and after school in the Main Office with Ms. Wellman. Do not be absent unnecessarily
Students arriving tardy to school must sign in at the Tardy Center. Students with excessive tardies will be required to serve an Administrative Detention.  BE ON TIME!!! AND COME TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY!!! 

The Principal’s Word of the Day is
COUP (koo) n a brilliant victory or accomplishment; the violent overthrow of government by a small internal group
Winning a gold medal at the Olympics was a real coup for the skinny, sick, fifty-year-old man.
In the attempted coup in the Philippines, some army officers tried to take over the government. The full name for this type of coup is coup d’état (koo day TAH)