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After school in the
High School Cafeteria




Education (n):
That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Ambrose Bierce







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Daily News

Monthly quotedaily news





December 3rd, 2007.

The WinterBlast is coming!!! Students tickets will go on sale Monday, Dec. 3rd. The Pep Rally and Dance will be held Dec. 20th at 6PM. Sign up with your class today to participate in the class competition!!!

Students who attend 2 consecutive tutoring sessions will earn a MLEC credit card. Make sure you sign in for tutoring.

Points earned on the MLEC credit card can be use for detention passes, free lunch, and tickets to various MLEC school events!

The Math Club is offering tutoring for all students Mondays and Thursdays from 2:40 to 3:40 in room E119.

Music Club will meet this Wednesday, Dec. 5th after school in Mr. Oxidine’s room.

The HOSA written testing is scheduled for Thursday December 6.  Please make a note in your planner and wear business attire on December 6 if you are taking a written HOSA test.

INTERACT Invites you to help a child have a happy holiday season. Be an angel and make their season!

To choose your angel, see Mrs. Biddings in E202 or any Interact Club member. Your help in this holiday “joy-giving” endeavor is appreciated.

Juniors – Herff Jones will be here today, Dec. 3rd and Tuesday, Dec. 4th to take any remaining ring orders. If you want to receive your ring in time for the ring ceremony Tuesday is your last day!

Class of 2010 will met on Wednesday Dec 5, 2007 in room E237 right after school. Come and join in as we prepare for Winter Blast.

GSA will hold a meeting on Wednesday December 5 to discuss our upcoming fieldtrip. We will meet in room e102g at 2:35


The search is on to find this year's top advertiser! It's time again to create a slogan for the 2008 FCAT pouches that will motivate us all.  Black and white illustrations may accompany the slogan.  All slogans must be submitted to Mrs. Ambas-Viada in E228 by December 21, 2007.  The winner will have his or her design printed on all of this year's FCAT pouches and will also receive a Gift Certificate to Best Buy.

Students with absences, remember if you have 5 unexcused absences in an annual course, or 3 unexcused absences in a semester course, you will receive a no credit for the class.  We are in a block schedule, therefore 5 unexcused absences in an annual course WILL result in 10 unexcused absences and WILL result in a no credit issued, 3 unexcused absences in a semester course will equal six and a no credit.  Remember if you are absent you MUST bring a note and receive an admit in student services to excuse your absence.  Do not be absent unnecessarily.  Students arriving tardy to school will be required to serve an Administrative Detention.  BE ON TIME!!! AND COME TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY!!! Students with perfect attendance for the entire school year will have the opportunity to win a very special prize. If you have any questions please speak to Mrs. Forteza.

The Principal’s Word of the Day is

PRECIPITOUS (pri SIP i tus) adj. steep

Precipitous means like a precipice or cliff. It and precipitate are very closely related, as you probably guessed. But they don’t mean the same thing, even though precipitous is often used to mean the same thing as precipitate.

A mountain can be precipitous, meaning either that it is steep or that it comprises lots of steep cliffs.