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After school in the
High School Cafeteria




Education (n):
That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Ambrose Bierce







Monthly Quote
Daily News

Monthly quotedaily news





Thursday, April 19, 2007

Please be advised that April 27th will be the cut-off date for all fundraising activities. Student Activity Reports must be submitted by May 14th to the treasurer's office, no extensions! Thank you for your cooperation.
Any senior who would like to be considered for the Hall of Fame, see Ms. Castro in the Student Activities Office (F106).
Angelique Gayle and Samantha Jean-Baptiste are both finalists in The Miami Herald's journalism student of the year award!  Both of them have monthly articles published on The Miami Herald's website.  They are the youngest competitors, since all other students were seniors!
Congratulations to Ms. Peraza and Ms. Borges' First Amendment group for winning a "Champions of Free Speech Award" for their outstanding projects in the first annual "Your First Amendment is Showing" exposition!
Seniors attending Grad Bash, this Saturday, April 21st are to report to the bus loop area at 10:30 a.m. Please remember to adhere to dress code! If you have any questions see Ms. Castro in F-106 or Ms. Evans E-228.
Faculty and staff are reminded to report to the courtyard after school for Early Release Day activities.